Programs & Curriculums


Welcome to our

Bright Stars Learning Center

Infants Classroom at Bright Stars Learning Center! We are thrilled to welcome you and your infant to our class and look forward to the year ahead. Below, you will find important guidelines and procedures for our infant room. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak with any of the teachers in the class.

Open-door Policy:

Parents of our infants are always welcome in our classroom. Please feel free to stop by or call to check on your infant's well-being at any time.

What to Bring:

We recommend keeping at least two full changes of clothing, including shirt, pants, onesie, socks, etc., at the center. Parents may also want to leave an extra pacifier, a hat, diapers, wipes, and bottles from home. Additionally, a blanket (long enough to tuck around the mattress) and a soft toy for your baby's comfort during sleep are welcome. Please ensure all items brought from home are labeled with your child's name. Sheets, bibs, burp cloths, mobiles, and crib toys are provided by Bright Stars Learning Center.

Daily Sheets:

Each child will go home with a sheet detailing their day, including times of naps, diaper changes, food consumption, and any notes about needed supplies.


Diapers are changed at least every two hours, or more often if needed. Babies are wiped at every diaper change, and ointments are applied as needed unless otherwise requested by the parent.


Naps in the Infant room are not strictly scheduled, as we understand that infants have varying sleep patterns. Please inform us of your baby's preferred nap routine.

Bottles and Food:

All bottles and sippy cups must be labeled with your child's name. We follow the Federal Nutrition Program and provide high iron formula, cereal, meat, fruit, vegetable baby food, and infant-appropriate snacks. Bottles must be prepared at home, and formula must be premixed. Breastfeeding mothers are welcome to nurse their children at the center. Open jars of baby food will be dated and can be kept for 24 hours. Meals are served at scheduled times throughout the day.

At Bright Stars Learning Center, we prioritize the health, safety, and comfort of your infant. We are committed to providing a nurturing environment where your child can thrive and grow.

Toddler Program

In our toddler room at Bright Stars Learning Center, we maintain a teacher-to-child ratio of 1:7, with two teachers overseeing a group of up to 14 children. We believe this setup allows for more personalized attention and fosters nurturing one-on-one relationships between teachers and children.

Our schedule is thoughtfully designed to cater to the individual needs of each child as well as the collective needs of the group. Fixed times are allocated for nap, meal, and diapering times, while free-play, indoor/outdoor activities, and transition times are kept flexible to accommodate the children's interests and energy levels.

To ensure a stimulating environment, our classroom teachers rotate equipment every three to four weeks, providing a variety of age-appropriate toys and equipment pieces for the children to engage with during playtime. While teacher-initiated activities are optional, children are encouraged to participate and explore new activities at their own pace.

Our dedicated teachers employ a range of strategies and activities to promote growth and development, including playful interactions, songs, stories, positive reinforcement, direction, redirection, and modeling of appropriate behavior. The program focuses on various age-appropriate goals and skills, such as self-help, independence, peer interaction, self-control, positive problem-solving, age-appropriate health and safety habits, and using emerging language to communicate needs and feelings.


Our preschool schedule and curriculum at Bright Stars Learning Center are thoughtfully designed to provide structure while fostering growth and development in young learners.

The daily routine consists of a variety of activities, including teacher-initiated activities, large group times, quiet reading, large motor activities, meals, nap time, and clean-up. This structured approach helps minimize transitions and provides children with a sense of routine and stability.

Our classroom teachers regularly change equipment every three to four weeks to offer children a diverse selection of age-appropriate toys and tools for child-initiated playtime. Large group activities are incorporated to enhance attention span, listening skills, and confidence in group settings, while promoting social and emotional development.

Curriculum planning is conducted on a weekly basis, covering a range of subjects to ensure a well-rounded learning experience. Our dedicated preschool teachers utilize various strategies and activities, including playful interactions, songs, stories, positive reinforcement, direction, redirection, and modeling of appropriate behavior.

In our younger preschool program, the focus is on expanding social skills, fostering independence, problem-solving abilities, and promoting health and safety habits. Additionally, our curriculum includes the use of the anti-violence curriculum, Second Step, to further support social-emotional development.

For older preschoolers, our curriculum is designed to prepare children for kindergarten by adding more structure and focusing on school readiness skills. This includes expanding social skills, fostering positive interactions with peers, developing attention and direction-following abilities, promoting independence in tasks, and further emphasizing emotional recognition and control.

Alongside our curriculum, we also prioritize literacy development and utilize age-appropriate resources to support language and literacy skills.

At Bright Stars Learning Center, our preschool program aims to provide a nurturing and stimulating environment where children can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally, setting a strong foundation for future success.

School Agers

At Bright Stars Learning Center, we recognize the numerous benefits that a quality School-Age program can offer children. Our aim is to provide a diverse range of activities that may not always be available during a traditional school day, including music, art, and study time.

Our School-Age program is designed to support children's social development by providing opportunities for interaction with both adults and peers in a positive and nurturing environment.

Whether it's engaging in creative arts and crafts, exploring musical talents, or dedicating time to academic study, our center offers a supportive atmosphere where each child can thrive and enjoy their time with us.

At Bright Stars Learning Center, we are committed to providing enriching experiences that contribute to the holistic development of every child in our care.

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